Welcome to the Intercity Bridge Club, Sarasota's longest continuously operated bridge club for 63 years since 1961. It is a membership club that counts on volunteers to help make it successful.
We conduct an Open game on Mondays and Tuesdays starting at 12.50pm during the summer months. Our Limited games will resume on October 7th. Visit our Game Dates page for details.
Our FREE Bridge Lesson program will resume on October 7th. Visit our Lessons page for details.
Reservations are encouraged. Thank you!
Regular club game fees are $10. Special game fees may be priced higher - details are on our Games Dates page.
IMPORTANT!!! We have NEW regulations for entering Temple Sinai (through the front door) and for permitted parketing (in front of the building). To learn more about this, please click here. Thank you.
We can also help you find a partner if you contact us well in advance of game time. Partnership requests should be emailed to ICBCSRQ@gmail.com. In your email please include the game you wish to play in, your masterpoints and your phone number.
Please turn left when you arrive and park in the spots near the social hall where we play. Please join us.