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Our Code of Conduct
October 29, 2018


The Intercity Bridge Club of Sarasota FL (IBC) is publishing this Code of Conduct for the bridge players who participate in the ACBL-sanctioned duplicate bridge games that it conducts at Temple Sinai.


This code of conduct is derived from code of conduct directives provided by the ACBL Zero Tolerance Policy, the Temple Sinai in whose facility the Intercity Bridge Club games are played and the judgment of the Intercity Board of Directors.


Code of Conduct During an IBC Game


The IBC Board of Directors and Management are committed to improving acceptable player behavior at all times. In accordance with ACBL Laws 74, 80B2(f), 81C4, 90A, 91, and 92A (Laws of Duplicate Bridge) the following policy outlines what is expected of all players during an IBC bridge game while at the table.


We are attempting to eradicate unacceptable behavior in order to make the game of bridge more enjoyable for all. Below are some examples of commendable behavior, which, while not required, will significantly contribute to the improved atmosphere:

  • Being a good ‘host’ or ‘guest’ at the table.

  • Greeting others in a friendly manner.

  • Praising the bidding and/or play of the opponents.

  • Having two clearly completed convention cards readily available to the opponents. (This one is a regulation, not just a nicety).


The following are some examples of behavior which will not be tolerated:

  • Badgering, rudeness, insinuations, intimidation, profanity, threats, or violence.

  • Negative comments concerning opponents’ or partner’s play or bidding.

  • Constant and gratuitous lessons and analyses at the table.

  • Loud and disruptive arguing with a Director’s ruling.


If a player at the table behaves in an unacceptable manner, the IBC Director should be called immediately. Anyone involved in an IBC game can call the Director to report what he/she considers to be unacceptable behavior, but it is important that the person making a Director call be knowledgeable about the circumstances of the reported incident. Annoying behavior, embarrassing remarks, or any other conduct which might interfere with the enjoyment of the game is specifically prohibited by Law 74A. Law 91A gives the IBC Director the authority to assess disciplinary penalties.


The following procedures have been given to the IBC Directors for implementation.

  • At the start of each event, the IBC Director shall make an announcement that the tournament will be observing ZERO TOLERANCE for unacceptable behavior. It is requested that the Director be called whenever behavior is not consistent with the guidelines outlined above.

  • The Director, when called, shall make an assessment of the situation. If it is established that there was unacceptable behavior, an immediate disciplinary warning or penalty shall be assigned to all offenders. This may involve any number of players at the table irrespective of who initiated the unacceptable behavior. The IBC Board of Directors strongly believes that assignment of disciplinary warnings and penalties will improve the overall behavior at our games.

  • Warnings may be issued at the discretion of the Director for minor infractions. Warnings will have a long life and will be considered in the event of future indiscretions. More serious incidents will result in immediate penalties. Regardless of who may have initiated unacceptable behavior, ALL offenses are punishable. Retaliatory behavior is a punishable offense. Frivolous accusations will also be considered as offenses under this policy.

  • If it is determined that the same offender is responsible for a second offense in the same event, or is determined to be guilty of an offense for which he/she has previously received a warning, then the offender(s) may be ejected from participation in that event. An offender removed from an event shall be deemed to have not played in the event, no masterpoints will be awarded and no refunds will be made. All previously-obtained results shall, however, remain valid as to their effect upon other competitors. In the case of a serious offense and in the case of multiple offenses over a period of time, an IBC Disciplinary Committee hearing may be convened to determine whether the offender(s) should be banned from participation in IBC games for some period of time.

  • In accordance with the Laws of Duplicate Bridge, an IBC Director’s decision to impose a disciplinary penalty is final; however, all such decisions may be appealed. An appeals process may not overturn the director’s decision, but could recommend that the Director reconsider the imposition of a penalty. It should be noted that during the appeals process the IBC Disciplinary Committee may feel that the penalty assessed was not severe enough.

  • The IBC Director-in-Charge shall provide a summary report of all behavioral warnings and penalties to the IBC Board of Directors and the IBC Disciplinary Committee.


Code of Conduct While Attending the IBC Game


Intercity Bridge Club utilizes the Temple Sinai facility to conduct its ACBL-sanctioned duplicate bridge games. Temple Sinai seeks to provide and ensure a safe, clean and welcoming environment conducive to the appropriate use of the facilities of its members, school children, employees and IBC players.


Temple Sinai's Conduct Policy for Use of Its Facility

  • It expects all visitors to treat all people and property with respect. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Engaging in conversation and behaviors in a manner that does not disturb, offend, harass or threaten others or their property.

    • Using furnishings, equipment, supplies, and facilities only for their intended function, in a manner that does not interfere with others’ use and does not damage or threaten to damage Temple Sinai property.

    • The responsibility for loss or damage to unattended personal belongings rests solely with the owner of their personal belongings.


Consequently, the following are some examples of behavior that will not be tolerated:

  • Driving through the parking lot and adjacent areas in a reckless manner at a rate of speed greater than 5 mph and/or against posted traffic directions.

  • Parking in reserved spaces that are identified in signage as being restricted to employees and members of Temple Sinai.

  • Parking in locations that impede safe entrance or exit from the Temple Sinai facility. These locations include parking on pedestrian walkways, parking in roadways and parking in entrance/egress locations for other vehicles.

  • Entering the sanctuary, classrooms, library and outside school areas.

  • Badgering, abuse, rudeness, insinuations, intimidation, profanity, threats, or violence.

  • Smoking, including the use of smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes; possessing, consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs inside the building or outside on the grounds.

  • Carrying weapons of any type (e.g. guns, knives, blunt instruments, sling shots, etc.).

  • Damaging any Temple Sinai property.


Temple Sinai enforces a relaxed kosher food policy and IBC is committed to honor it in terms of food items brought in either to share with members or for individual consumption. Please see the separate Temple Sinai Dietary Policy for details.


Temple Sinai does not permit wearing of costumes or celebrations of holidays including Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Easter and Christmas.


Players have the responsibility of discarding their used food and beverage containers in the appropriate refuse containers that are provided at the perimeters of the game room.


If a player on the Temple Sinai property behaves in an unacceptable manner before, during or after an IBC game, the IBC Director or a member of the IBC Board of Directors should be called immediately. In the event that the infraction does not involve card play or table behavior, the IBC director will immediately contact a member of the Board of Directors to report the infraction. The IBC Director and the IBC Board of Directors have the right to invoke penalties that may involve scoring deductions and play restrictions. In the event that an IBC player commits an act of civil disobedience, the proper authorities will immediately be contacted.

Click here for an abridged version of the IBC Code of Conduct.

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