Volunteering at InterCity Bridge Club
The InterCity Bridge Club Board thanks the players who volunteered to serve as greeters in February 2020
Nora Branconi
Rainey Davis
George Kenworthy
Alexis Kopperman
Michael Lindheimer
Sandy Lindheimer
Bob Meisel
Hyman Polakoff
Carol Pulvino
Chuck Pulvino (2)
Les-Lee Roland (4)
Marv Rosen
Roz Rosenthal
Bonnie van Overbeke
Tracy Weaver (2)
Every greeter received a Free Play in appreciation for his/her support of the Intercity Bridge Club.
If you are interested in serving as a greeter, contact Roz Rosenthal at rozzierooh@gmail.com.
In March 2020, games have been suspended. However, please let Roz know if you are interested in April 2020.
The InterCity Bridge Club Board thanks the players who volunteered to serve as greeters during the months of November 2019, December 2019 and January 2020.
Nora Branconi (4)
Judy Cole (2)
Rainey Davis (9)
Steve Ellis (2)
Gen Geiger
Michel Huguenin
Betty Curry Johnson
Wayne Johnson
Karen Jones
Sylva Kanderal
George Kenworthy
Alexis Kopperman
Sandy Lindheimer
Carol Lindholm
Ken Lindholm
Arlene McClusky
Paul McClusky
Terry McHenry
Bob Meisel (2)
Karen Miller (3)
Paul Miller (3)
Ann Munson (2)
Tony Munson (2)
Sheila Namiot (2)
Barbara Norman
Hyman Pokoloff
Ann Pollock
Phyllis Prager
Marcia Rabb
Les-Lee Roland (8)
Marv Rosen
Susan Shimelman (2)
Tracy Weaver (8)